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Photography isn't a hobby- it's a lifestyle. Bought my first 35mm Camera at the age of 15, and haven't put in down since. Have shot over 200 weddings. http://normthephotoguy.com

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Digital Prints and Image Hosting

Travels with Abulafia: Digital Prints and Image Hosting: "Digital Prints and Image Hosting

Just stumbled across a good comparison of several digital photo printers. I haven't tried any of the services yet, and in general, the seems to be a lot of jocking for position in the web-photo market. I did just try out Flickr as a possible image hosting provider. Nice interface, but for the $60/year I could get a good amount of hosted space and scripting support. The problem with services like Flickr is getting those images back out (along with associated metadata) a some later date. Their short-term profit interest != my long-term interest."

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