About Me

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Photography isn't a hobby- it's a lifestyle. Bought my first 35mm Camera at the age of 15, and haven't put in down since. Have shot over 200 weddings. http://normthephotoguy.com

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Norman Koren photography: images and tutorials

Norman Koren photography: images and tutorials: "Making fine prints in your digital darkroom

Light & color | Pixels, images, & files | Getting started | Scanners | Digital cameras | Printers | Papers and inks | Monitor calibration and gamma | Printer calibration | Scanning | Image editing | B&W printing | Matting and framing | Tonal quality and dynamic range in digital cameras

Image editing with Picture Window Pro

Introduction | Making and using masks | Contrast masking | Tinting and hand coloring B&W images | Example: Sunset, Providence

Understanding image sharpness and MTF

Introduction | Film and lenses | Scanners and sharpening | Printers | Lens testing | Depth of Field | Digital cameras vs. film | Grain

Color management

Introduction to Color science and Color management | Implemention part 1: Setup, working color space, profile anatomy | Implemention part 2: Monitor profiling, workflow details | Obtaining ICC profiles and using MonacoEZcolor | Evaluating color in printers and ICC profiles

Digital cameras vs. film | Part 2 | Canon EOS 10D Digital SLR | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Workshops Pt. Lobos/Big Sur Jan. 2004 | Monument Valley/Hunt's Mesa April 2004 | Part 2

A simplified zone system for making good exposures

Photographic technique Part 1: equipment, mostly | Part 2: vision, panoramic, travel

Canon FS4000US 4000 dpi scanner | Epson 2450/3200 Flatbed scanners

Eliminating color fringing (lateral chromatic aberration)"

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