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Photography isn't a hobby- it's a lifestyle. Bought my first 35mm Camera at the age of 15, and haven't put in down since. Have shot over 200 weddings. http://normthephotoguy.com

Friday, March 11, 2005

DiagramThe USS Jimmy Carter has been commissioned

For pictures click here!More Junkmail from Bob, 2005/03/11
Originally uploaded by Normthephotoguy.

The USS Jimmy Carter has been commissioned. It has a top speed of 33 knots submerged, with a 25 knot tactical (quiet) speed. At 453 feet long, the Jimmy Carter is about 100 feet longer than the earlier Seawolfs. It has a crew of about 130 people. It is a lot quieter than the Los Angeles attack subs, and quite a bit quieter than the new Virginia class. It has an extra-strong sail so it can break through Arctic ice.


The Jimmy Carter's extra length consists of its "wasp waist," or multi-mission platform. This is a 100-foot section behind the sail in which the pressure hull narrows to a relatively small cylinder. The area between the submarine skin and the relatively narrow section of pressure hull will be used as an "ocean interface." This makes it easier to carry things that will be dropped off and retrieved underwater, such as unmanned subs, divers, mines, and etc. When you consider that the submarine operates silently at water-ski speeds, you can see why it's a good idea to have extra equipment inside the skin of the submarine.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Understanding Digital Multipliers

Originally uploaded by Normthephotoguy.

When you use most digital cameras, your lens has more reach than you may realize.

This is because digital sensors are usually smaller than 24x36mm, the size of 35mm film. This is called a digital multiplier. Each camera has a different multiplication factor depending on its sensor size. For instance, the most popular selling DSLRs in the world are made by Canon. They use sensors ranging for full size to much smaller.

With the exception of the Canon 1DS, 1DSMKII, 1D and 1DMKII, all Canon DSLRs have a digital multiplier of 1.6.

This means that when you use a 100mm lens, it has an equivalent focal length (EFL) of 160mm. Below, please find a chart that you can use to easily convert the standard 35mm lens focal length for use on your camera.Memorizing these focal lengths will help you be a better judge of what lens you need to make the right shot.