About Me

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Photography isn't a hobby- it's a lifestyle. Bought my first 35mm Camera at the age of 15, and haven't put in down since. Have shot over 200 weddings. http://normthephotoguy.com

Monday, January 24, 2005

The Russell Brown Show

The Russell Brown Show
Welcome to the official, and experimental, Russell Brown tips and techniques page. This is your one stop shopping location for the latest in hot new tips for Adobe Photoshop.

In the effort to stay on the cutting edge of technology I'm offering QuickTime movies of some of my favorite tips. Beware, the movies are large and will take time to download over a slow connection. Also, If you're viewing using Internet Explorer, the movies may take several minutes to appear. These movies have been optimized to download as fast as possible and still look good.

For additional tips and techniques, be sure to visit www.lynda.com for an incredible online learning library.

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